Summer of the Gypsy Moths by Sara Pennypacker
My enjoyment rating: 4 of 5 stars
Hangover rating: 3
Source: Personal copy
Genre: Juvenile Fiction
Objectionable material: None
Stella doesn’t know her father and has been abandoned by her mother. Living with a Great-aunt on Cape Cod, she’s enjoying having a home for the first time in years. Although Angel, the foster child her great Aunt is also caring for, is a thorn in her side. But when she comes home from school to find Great-aunt Louise dead – both girls are terrified of being sent to another round of foster homes. Together they hatch a plan to keep the authorities and neighbors at bay, while staying in the only home they both have ever known.
I loved this book.
Although their plot to “hide” Great-aunt Louise is ENTIRELY implausible (at least in my world) – both girls are robust, confident, resourceful (alarmingly so!) and absolutely delightful.
I loved how they maintained their independence in spite of their unfortunate circumstances.
The setting of Cape Code with it's beach houses, gardens, ocean surf was perfect for two young girls to explore. (And a perfect non traditional "beach read").
And even though this is another “bad mother/orphan” book – it seemed entirely fresh and new.
It would make a great Mother/Daughter book club choice.
I read this last summer and really liked it - I agree the hiding of the aunt is implausible (and kind of gross when I stopped to think about it), but I don't think kids would find it disgusting at all.
It tells the story of a young girl left off by her mother with a great aunt for the summer and then the adventure begins. It deals with a subject of great concern, displaced children, no home they can call their own. A very touching story, yet again I caution young girls under 13 reading it. Just my opinion based on the kids I know.
Marlene Detierro (Behnam Rugs)
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