My enjoyment rating: 3 of 5 stars
Book Hangover rating: 2 of 5 stars
Source: Library
Genre: Fiction
Objectionable material: (none that I remember)
Robert Langdon – a cross between Indiana Jones and James Bond – is off on another adventure involving art, history, architecture, high drama, and biological catastrophe.
For those who have read and liked Dan Brown’s books, you’ll find nothing new here. He uses the same successful formula, but with different insertable plot and storylines. We are treated to a rich history of Florence, the author Dante Alighieri and his poem, the Inferno, and numerous other exotic locales like Istanbul and Venice.
Dan Brown is my one weakness when it comes to reading brain candy – very little substance, but lots of action and a true page turner.
So sit back and enjoy a romp through Europe and be prepared for the end of life as we know it. At least according to Dan Brown.
My husband is a Dan Brown fan, but had that "nothing new" feeling about The Lost Symbol, too. He still enjoyed it and I'll probably get this one for him for Father's Day... must be that brain candy effect! ;)
It's been a while since I read a Dan Brown novel.
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