My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Author Rebecca Stead has created a totally unique juvenile novel featuring time travel, middle school angst, friendship, and of all things, Dick Clark and ‘70s game show, The $20,000 Pyramid.
Sixth grader Miranda, has to navigate a neglected friendship with neighbor Sal, a budding friendship with classmate Annemarie, and a conflicted friendship with Julia – all the while try to help her mother “practice” for her upcoming appearance on the game show, The $20,000 Pyramid AND figure out who the heck has been sending her very freaky and cryptic notes.
I’m not sure what to say about this novel – on one hand it was great:
• I loved Miranda’s spunk; she was a delightful character to follow, as was her mother and her group of rag-tag friends, supporting cast of school employees and Jimmy, the deli counter guy.
• I loved the time period – I was a grade schooler in the ‘70’s – so the essence of the book was very familiar and comforting – and who my age hasn’t watched The $20,000 Pyramid at least a gazillion times. And it’s true, Dick Clark never ages (at least until recently when he had his stroke).
On the other hand, I thought it was odd:
• The time travel thing just didn’t work for me. I understand that the author was trying to pay homage to A Wrinkle in Time – dare I say I’m not too fond of that book either (is that literary sacrilege?). But it was awkward and confusing.
• And who was the audience for this book? Once again, all of the 5 star reviews are primarily from adult, white women -- are the 9-12 year olds (for whom this book is intended), liking it as much at the adult audience? I can’t answer that – because I don’t think they have Goodreads accounts. I do know this book would be over the head of my 9 year old and the majority of our Mother/Daughter book group participants. And when I read juv fiction – that’s who I’m trying to “channel.”
So, it was quirky and somewhat endearing, but it didn’t meet my expectations.
Book source: Public library
When You Reach Me was the 2010 Newbery Award Winner.
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It is kinda nice to know I am not the only person not totally blown away by this book. I have heard that it is popular and liked by kids though.
I really enjoyed this book a lot and my 9 year old daughter says it is one of her favorite books this year. Too bad you didn't love it
I am a Sixth Grade teacher, and I absolutely loved this book. My students were fighting over who would get to check it out next. I liked that I kept thinking about what had happened after I finished the book. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it.
Thanks for your perspective. This book certainly hasn't made the rounds at our elementary school, so I haven't heard any commentary one way or the other. And maybe I admitting that my daughter isn't an advance reader, and this wouldn't interest her or our mother/daughter book group -- it's a struggle to get her to read. I liked it, I just didn't love it.
Sounds like a good one! Just saw the article in LR Family and my daughter said "we know her!" We didn't realize it was from the library! Love your blog!
So, I loved this book but I agree that I don't think my 10 year old would.
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