
Monday, March 1, 2010

Literary Auction

In 4 days, 4 months of hard work will finally pay off – the PTA fundraiser/silent auction that has occupied my every moment, thought and sleepless night, will happen. With the help so many, I have collected over 130 auction items. My house looks like a warehouse of gift baskets, art, quilts, gift certificates – you name it – it is in my dining room. I am so READY for this to be over! I want my normal life to return! Just think how many books I could have read, if not for my predisposed obligation??!!

But one of the things I’m most proud of is the collection of AUTOGRAPHED books I’ve assembled.

We have author-signed copies of the following:

The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President by Taylor Branch

Cotton Field of Dreams; a memoir, foreword by former President William J. Clinton by Janis F Kearney

Ford County: Stories by John Grisham

All's Fair: Love, War and Running for President by Mary Matalin and James Carville

Read My Pins: Stories from a Diplomat's Jewel Box By Madeleine Albright

And finally,
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart

Two that I’m particularly thrilled about: Read My Pins and The Mysterious Benedict Society

Read My Pins is visually a stunning book. Also, Madame Albright has by far the BEST signature of the whole bunch!!

The Mysterious Benedict Society was a total surprise. Mr. Stewart is a local author, so I wrote a “blind” letter requesting a signed book for our auction. I wasn’t particularly optimistic that I would receive a copy, but a big brown envelope was in my mail box last week with his signed copy and a “good luck with your auction” greeting! I plan to hover over this auction item ALL night so I can I go home with it!

This will probably be my last post this week. Wish me luck! I will need every bit of it!


  1. That is so awesome!! I bet you will be glad when it is over.

  2. Hang in there, the work is almost over. And congratulations on getting all those signed copies. I hope they bring in lots of bids. (

  3. Good for you! I've signed on to do the silent auction for our church bazaar in October and am already worried about it in February! I hope you make lots of money!

  4. Wow nice work!

    Also, congrats - I gave you an award :)

  5. Congratulations on so much accomplished! Since you're so prepared I'm sure the actual auction will go off without a hitch.
