One of the benefits of shelving and re-shelving books at the library is becoming more aware of authors and their works. Additionally, I have been surprised to find authors that I associate with a specific genre, that also “cross-over” and write for a completely different audience.
Here are a few that have totally surprised me! Consider it my “who knew?” category.
Alexander McCall Smith
Best known for his No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency and Isabel Dalhousie mystery series – he also writes a Juvenile Fiction mystery series – Harriet Bean.
Here are a few that have totally surprised me! Consider it my “who knew?” category.
Alexander McCall Smith
Best known for his No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency and Isabel Dalhousie mystery series – he also writes a Juvenile Fiction mystery series – Harriet Bean.

Meg Cabot
What mother of a middle grade daughter isn’t familiar with Meg Cabot and all her Princess-themed books? She also writes adult fiction. What I didn’t know is that she writes a mystery series too: The Heather Wells Mystery Series.

And with a title like, “Size 12 is Not Fat” I think I will love her forever.
Sarah Dunant
I have Sarah Dunant’s Birth of Venus on my shelf. I think it was my 1st addition when I started my Goodreads list. I still haven’t read it. However, I’ve always associated her with Italian Renaissance historical fiction. I was totally surprised when I discovered that she writes a mystery series featuring a London-based private eye named Hannah Wolfe.

The 1st in the series is Birth Marks.
Aylet Waldman
I’m not sure if Aylet Waldman is better known for her fiction, her marriage to Michael Chabon or her one essay professing she loved her husband more than her children, which solidified her as a controversial writer. Her latest book, a work of non-fiction is, Bad Mother: A Chronicle of Maternal Crimes, Minor Calamities, and Occasional Moments of Grace. She’s also written adult fiction. What I didn’t know is she writes a mommy-lit mystery series featuring stay-at-home mom, Juliet Applebaum. The 1st in the series is called, Nursery Crimes.

There are several in the “mommy-track” series. I love this quote from Nursery Crimes:
“Anyone who tells you that having a child doesn't completely and irrevocable ruin your life is lying. As soon as that damp little bundle of poop and neediness lands in your lap, it's all over. Everything changes. Your relationship is destroyed. Your looks are shot. Your productivity is devastated. And you get stupid. Dense. Thick. Pregnancy and lactation make you dumb. That's a proven scientific fact.”Thank you Aylet for voicing what I was afraid to express!
James Patterson
How many books has this man written?? Too many to count. And I haven’t read ANY of them. But I guarantee patrons at the library check out several of his books a day. But did you know he wrote Young Adult fiction too???

The Maximum Ride series is intended for 7th grade and older.
Finally, everyone knows Ian Fleming wrote all of the James Bond thrillers, but can you name his one contribution to juvenile fiction??
Do you remember this:

That’s been my biggest surprise of all!
What other cross-over authors are you familiar with or have you read? Are they successful at both? Or one more than the other?
I had no idea Alexander McCall Smith wrote a Juvenile Fiction series. Good to know.
I did know about Meg Cabot's various genres.
And I loved Chitty Chitty Bang Bang when I was a kid but never made the connection with the author. Probably because when I was reading CCBB I had not heard of James Bond.
What a great post idea! I've got Cabot's Size 12 is not fat on my shelf. I'm about to add a few of these other books to my wishlist. Thanks :)
I found that fascinating - thanks for sharing!
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