One of my sorority girlfriends died last night. No explanation. She was home for Thanksgiving and her Mom went into her room to wake her up, and found her dead. She had diabetes, but it was under control, and she was otherwise in good health. Angie – your laughter was infectious – and your craziness unsurpassed. You were taken from us too soon. We will miss you. So, for those of you in close proximity to girlfriends – go give them a big hug and tell them how much they mean to you!

(A picture of my girlfriends at our reunion last year -- Angie is the red head, front row, in the middle.
On to other things not nearly as sad:
I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The food tasted particularly yummy this year. All the same “traditional” accompaniments, but the family cooks (my mom and sister-in-law) really knocked it out this year. The bad thing about traveling “out of town” for Thanksgiving – no LEFTOVERS! Oh, how I wish I had a big turkey/dressing/cranberry sandwich! And some cherry pie!
My reading funk continues – I did not turn a page over the holidays. And it was splendid. No pressure to post, no pressure to finish anything. I am working on a Jane Austen Mystery by Stephanie Barron (Jane and His Lordship's Legacy); it’s quaint, and normally I could have finished it in about 2 days. Oh well. But remind me, next time I start a “series”– I need to start with book 1 not book 7.
Bob Stoops announced today that he is staying at Oklahoma. Thank you Bob! Notre Dame isn’t good enough for you. It’s been a heartbreaking Sooner football year. Ten weeks ago, when I was standing in Jerry Jones/Dallas Cowboy stadium before the kick off to the BYU/OU game, I could never have predicted the misfortune to envelope this football team. But, a season is always redeemed when you thrash OSU! Take that Pokes!
PTA responsibilities have consumed me. Anyone have experience planning a major fundraiser? I need serious help!
We still have lice in our house. When will these pests leave us! Luckily, they remain happily on my daughter’s head, and no other family members. But after three treatments, they still won’t die. I finally got a prescription treatment (to the tune of $60!!!) -- this better eliminate them once and for all.
And if that wasn’t enough – when we got home from our vacation – we found RODENT DROPPINGS all over the kitchen floor! Good Grief Charlie Brown! Terminix is coming in the morning. I’m done with vermin and all other creepy-crawlies.