
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day 2 at the Library

Best mystery title I shelved today:

Seriously -- if you Googled that title too many times, the FBI might put you on some kind of WATCH list!!

But this is the BEST part of today -- I walked out of the library with this:

Can you believe it??!! No book holds, no waiting, no one's grubby fingers on the pages -- it was like nirvana walking out the door with this in my book bag -- I felt like a thief! I'm just bummed I still have to finish Pope Joan before Thursday! I want to read it NOW!


  1. Color me envious. I'm #952 on our library waiting list for the new Brown book.

  2. Oh that does sound like an excellent book!
    I just got an e-mail from my library that they have the Lost Symbol waiting for me. Might have to send my husband out to pick it up for me.

  3. I just got this at Amazon for my husband for his birthday coming up next month. He just loves this series. I think its fun and fascinating.
